“ Full of poise and definition, Een Perspectief van Amsterdam /An Amsterdam Perspective (oil on linen, 102 x 76cm) is another fine example, like a madrigal of unaccompanied voices in lucid harmony, each visual note contributes stunningly to the whole. There is a highly evolved awareness of painting – as history, discipline and journey. A red Malevich-like square at the centre anchors the composition, with elegant blooms growing optimistically in the viewer’s foreground. We navigate triggers of memory, the intrigue of windows and the mind-altering scale of a crow alighting on a building. Awareness shifts and expands as the mind meanders through the painting, held by its masterful internal architecture. Knox describes the ‘colours and textures’ in this work like ‘background thoughts’, underpinned with ‘a longing to go back’ and the realisation of something ‘longed for, but unattainable.’ Tellingly, this is ‘An Amsterdam Perspective’ a moment born of memory and the ephemeral nature of life. Knox’s sharply elegant command of composition and her sophisticated use of colour are products of over forty years’ experience and vital experimentation. A graduate of Edinburgh College of Art in 1971, her command of the medium arguably surpasses that of her tutors, Sir Robin Philipson and David Michie. She is a figure in Scottish Art whose time has come.”